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This page contains details on the DSPCC weapon MOD for Unreal.

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Excalibur Ballistics’ DSPCC

Excalibur Ballistics Dynamically Synchronised Particle Collector Cannon is a highly versatile weapon with many unique firing types.

An Excalibur golden oldie that never ceases its usefulness, the tractor grapple now comes built into the DSPCC.

The main trigger launches and releases the tractor. It can be used to both reach out and grab objects or if anchored to a solid structure can be used to pull and push you around using the utility buttons. (Note: you have to set up aliases to buttons bextra0 and bextra1 for the grapple to work. to set these aliases go to advanced options in your unreal options menu and expand advanced-key aliases. Find an open alias and click the + to open it up for editing. Name the first alias Extra0 and make the alias "button bextra0 | Extra0". do the same for the second alias Extra1 and make the alias "button bextra1 | Extra1". Then you can bind a key to the extra0 and extra1 functions to use the grapple; You can do this by clicking raw key binding, find the key you want to bind it to and type: Extra0. Do the same thing for Extra1. Its worth it trust me)

Also included in the DSPCC is the NeuroTactical interface system. Basically this is a new HUD (Heads Up Display) currently it allows the user to see on their screens a targeting display, this allows the user to see in advance where the Monsters are on the level.

The above picture shows a Nali shown in the targeting window of the DSPCC.

Another of the DSPCCs unique firing modes is the Collapser fire mode; This is basically a high damage fire type that causes the enemy to "Collapse" shrinking increasingly smaller until they completely disappear, as shown below as a normal size brute begins to shrink in size.

If you know where a more up to date version of the DSPCC can be found please let me know at: webmaster@UltimateUnreal.50megs.com

To download the DSPCC Weapon MOD from the Ultimate Unreal file servers click here.

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